BxPx s/t EP

Tak a je to konečne tu! Nová sedmička Boiling Point so 7 skladbami na 45 rpm z letnej session u Bluma (nahrávali sme tam aj UxFx) bola odoslaná pred dvoma dňami do lisovne a Pirates Press urobia luxusný farebný vynil (nechajte sa prekvapiť). Vychádza v kooperácií s Dog Lovers records, ktorí si z celkového pressu 330 ks berú 130 a z nich bude 100 na predaj. Chalani už urobili aj obal a vyzerá to parádne. Fotky si môžeš pozrieť tu. My si berieme zvyšných 200 ks, ale náš press bude mať úplne odlišný obal a grafické spracovanie.


It´s finally happening! The material for a new Boiling Point EP, which contains 7 songs from the summer recording session at Blum´s D.I.Y. studio, (the same place where UxFx was recorded) was sent to Pirates Press two days ago. I´m sure the color vynil will look kick-ass! It´s going to be co-released with Dog Lovers records from Czech Republic, who are in charge of 130 pieces (they will sell only 100 of them) and we´re going to take the remaining 200. They´ve already released preview pictures of the cover and it looks great! For more pictures click here. Our part of the press will have different cover and inlay as well. Stay tuned!
